Stay Home... 2?

Hi everyone!

It’s been almost two years since the release of Stay Home which is still hard to wrap our heads around considering we never finish anything.

*stares at the looming pile of unfinished ideas*

We’re super thankful of all the warm comments and amazing reviews we received. Don’t worry we took them to heart and have poured countless hours crafting the finest successor for your beautiful eyes with your awesome feedback.

So today… We are very pleased to announce the second title in the Stay Home series…. 

XX Juice 2: electric boogaloo (don’t sue us please) 

From your wonderful feedback we heard that it was a really touching and emotional story with cute characters. Because you loved the narrative so much, we’ve decided to throw it out completely and turn our sequel into an epic FPS shooter! As a harden survivor, you're on a quest to venture into the outside world in search of the cure to end the great calamity… xx juice. There’s absolutely no plot, you just wander with your dog, go pew pew, and get satisfaction. Arm yourself with a trusty peashooter and pick the shiniest knife for Peanut and Bacon because who knows what sorts of dangers lurk beyond… the stay home mandate.

The game will include:

  • A doggo armed with a knife
  • A plushie with a knife taped to it
  • Story No, that’s boring. Emotions? No thank you. We want guns! Lots of it!! 
  • And most importantly: xx juice. Oh yeah…

In all seriousness, we’re super thankful for all the love, comments, ratings, and videos that were made and received. We see ya! 

Happy April June Fools! 

Get Stay Home

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